Thematic Network on Communicating Arctic Research

Introduction to EcoClimate

To learn more about the Communicating Arctic Research Thematic Network activities, visit our web page


  • To link professional photographers, information-visualization specialists and art students together with students of science, arctic researchers, holders of traditional knowledge, and scientists to explore and create photo, video, and map based communication materials that can be used for publishing, scientific research, exhibiting, and web distributing.
  • To provide education and training in photo-based imaging and data visualization tools and methods to create photo, video, info-graphics and related materials that can be used in print and on the internet.
  • To build capacity and practical skills amongst the science / research community to produce the best quality and the most practical imagery for their research needs.
  • To bring art students together with students of the sciences, scientific researchers and professionals to help stimulate the creative process.
    The focal areas would encompass a broad scope of Arctic research and ensure integration of subject matter that is linked to priority areas of Indigenous Peoples.

Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

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Scenic webcam
The Oulanka research station is broadcating live from Kiutaköngäs at Oulanka National Park. Follow this link to see what is happening in Oulanka right now.

Video interview: Riku Paavola, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Communicating Arctic Research