Thematic Network on Health and Well-being in the Arctic
The main task of the Thematic Network is to increase the quantity and quality of scientific research and education carried out in the Arctic on the themes of health and well-being:
by organizing Master's and PhD education
by conducting research projects and by dissemination.
The goal of the Thematic Network on Health and Well-being in the Arctic is to support sustainable development on health and well-being in populations in the circumpolar regions. The network aims to do so by:
promoting research projects and education on health e.g. in the topics of mental wellness, gender issues, research ethics, Indigenous health, demographic change, pollution, infectious diseases in humans and wildlife, food and water security etc;
organizing research training;
distributing scientific information.
The network bases its research and education activities on the contemporary needs and priorities of the circumpolar regions and aims to promote a multidisciplinary approach to improve social circumstances for the populations, both with regard to health and well-being as well as delivery of health care and social services in the Arctic.
In collaboration with partner universities and institutes of the TN and other organizations there are running-on Summer/Winter schools and workshops for Master's and PhD students. Summer/Winter schools are arranged as an add-on to relevant conferences, allowing Master and PhD students to engage in networking and present their research at conference venues throughout the Arctic.