Thematic Network on Renewable Energy

Thematic Network on Renewable Energy


Our goal is to reimagine energy security in northern and Indigenous communities by co-creating and brokering the knowledge, understanding, and capacity to design, implement and manage renewable energy systems that support and enhance social and economic values. With a robust network of academics, utilities, industry, not-for-profit, and northern and Indigenous communities around the world, we are facilitating a long-term support network that is geographically diverse and at different stages of renewables development.


The UArctic Thematic Network on Renewable Energy will pursue integrative activities across the Circumpolar North/Work in each region will be led by country-based, local study teams, working with communities and utilities. Interspersed are workshops to meet partner needs, and ensure on-going capacity development, relationship building, and knowledge mobilization.

  • Co-develop and apply tools for assessing, understanding, and enhancing the social and economic value of renewable energy in northern and Indigenous communities.
  • Determine the necessary and sufficient conditions, including common challenges and solutions, for successfully introducing renewables into the energy mix of northern and Indigenous communities.
  • Facilitate co-learning between partnered ‘sister communities’ to share knowledge and innovations that contribute to long-term sustainable energy security, through a network of model energy communities across the Circumpolar North.
  • Create a northern Circumpolar knowledge sharing platform, comprised of model community energy plans, energy transition tool-kits, and stories from international experience for communities, utilities and researchers to network, exchange knowledge and facilitate long-term capacity building.
  • Train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to transform energy systems and promote sustainable energy patterns in northern and Indigenous communities.



Other Information

Video interview: Greg Poelzer, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Renewable Energy