ArcticStat, a socioeconomic circumpolar database covering thirty arctic regions in eight countries, is now available online.

ArcticStat is a permanent, public, and independent statistical database dealing with the countries, regions, and populations of the circumpolar Arctic. ArcticStat intends to facilitate comparative research on the socioeconomic conditions of the peoples of the Arctic by bringing together already existing data, which are otherwise dispersed and often hard to find. For the most part, the data indexed in ArcticStat come from national statistical agencies of the countries of the Arctic or their regional offices. These public data are produced on a recurrent basis and are methodologically valid.
ArcticStat was created by the Canada Research Chair on Comparative Aboriginal Condition of Universite Laval. It is officially supported by the Arctic Council and is an official activity of the International Polar Year. The core financial contribution was provided by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, with additional financial contributions from the Louis-Edmond-Hamelin Chair for Northern Research in Social Sciences and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. ArcticStat is located at the Faculte des Sciences Sociales, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada.
For further information and to access the website, please go to: