For those that cannot attend in person, the Forum will be set up for web-casting and have web-conferencing utilizing the latest technology employed in the education field. One quick download will allow an individual or a group to participate by viewing, listening, asking questions, and making comments while the proceedings are taking place.
The desired outcome of the forum includes the identification of a research agenda for the field of northern building and infrastructure design, the development of on-going research partnerships, agreements on complementary and/or collaborative research topics, and appropriate dissemination of the information gathered. This event is designed to address the needs of all northern communities and lead the way to create a new vision for our future. Registration and information for the Forum on Sustainable Northern Shelter in a World of Diminishing Resources is available online on the events website or through the Cold Climate Housing Research Center.
The desired outcome of the forum includes the identification of a research agenda for the field of northern building and infrastructure design, the development of on-going research partnerships, agreements on complementary and/or collaborative research topics, and appropriate dissemination of the information gathered. This event is designed to address the needs of all northern communities and lead the way to create a new vision for our future. Registration and information for the Forum on Sustainable Northern Shelter in a World of Diminishing Resources is available online on the events website or through the Cold Climate Housing Research Center.
More information can be found here.