Funded by the European Commission Triple I awards scholarships for studies and research in 19 European and Russian partner universities.
Scholarships are now available for undergraduate, master, doctorate and postdoctorate mobility.
The objective of the Triple I – Integration, Interaction and Institutions is to create an active network of Russian and European universities who cooperate multidisciplinarily and multilaterally and promote innovation through joint research, education, and exchange of experience and good practices. Triple I awards scholarships within the theme of Integration, Interaction and Institutions. The study fields are Business Studies and Management Sciences, Education, Teacher Training, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. All mobilities have to start by 31 March 2009 at the latest. Duration of mobility is 6–34 months.
Applications are welcome to all partner universities:
European universities:
University of Algarve (Portugal)
University of Bologna (Italy)
University of Deusto (Spain)
University of Göttingen (Germany)
Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
University of Leuven (Belgium)
Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
Pultusk Academy of Humanities (Poland)
University of Turku (Finland)
Russian universities:
Higher School of Economics
Immanuel Kant State University of Russia
Irkutsk State University
Kazan State University
Petrozavodsk State University
Russian State University for the Humanities
St. Petersburg State University
Udmurt State University
Ural State University
Novgorod State University
Applications are accepted from Russian nationals and Europeans alike. For more detailed information on eligibility, selection criteria and grants, please see
The online application system opens on 30 October 2008. All applications including the required enclosures and other documents are expected by 12 November 2008, 14:00 Finnish time (GMT +2) at
the latest.
More information:
Triple I – Integration, Interaction and Institutions; Call for Applications
Fri, Oct 31, 2008