The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) announces publication of the December 2008 issue of the Journal ARCTIC, Volume 61, Number 4. For further information, please go to:
A non-profit membership organization and multidisciplinary research institute of the University of Calgary, AINA's mandate is to advance the study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural
and social sciences, as well as the arts and humanities, and to acquire, preserve, and disseminate information on physical, environmental, and social conditions in the North. Created as a bi-national corporation in 1945, the Institute's United States Corporation is housed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
For information on becoming an AINA member and receiving the journal, please visit the Institute's website at:
The following papers appear in the December 2008 issue of ARCTIC:
"Polar Bear Conservation in Canada: Defining the Policy Problems"
By: Douglas A. Clark, David S. Lee, Milton M.R. Freeman and Susan G. Clark
"Modern Erosion Rates and Loss of Coastal Features and Sites, Beaufort Sea Coastline, Alaska"
By: Benjamin M. Jones, Kenneth M. Hinkel, Christopher D. Arp and Wendy R. Eisner
"A Study of Tidal Influences in the North Water Polynya using Short Time Span Satellite Imagery"
By: R.F. Vincent and R.F. Marsden
"Recent (1986-2006) Vegetation-Specific NDVI Trends in Northern Canada from Satellite Data"
By: Ian Olthof, Darren Pouliot, Rasim Latifovic and Wenjun Chen
"Resighting of a Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) Instrumented with a Satellite Transmitter"
By: M.P. Heide-Jorgensen, R. Dietz, K.L. Laidre, P. Nicklen, E. Garde, P. Richard and J. Orr
"Localization of Social Work Knowledge through Practitioner Adaptations in Northern Ontario and the Northwest Territories, Canada"
By: John R. Graham, Keith Brownlee, Michael Shier and Esther Doucette
"Exploratory Models of Intersite Variability in Mid to Late Holocene Central Alaska"
By: B.A. Potter
"Pond Characteristics and Occupancy by Red-Necked Phalaropes in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada"
By: Bree Walpole, Erica Nol and Vicky Johnston
"Historical Evidence and the Eastern Greenland Case"
By: Janice Cavell
The issue also contains six book reviews, an obituary for Leslie A. Viereck, and InfoNorth essays by the recipients of the 2008 Jennifer Robinson and Lorraine Allison Scholarships, administered by the Arctic
Institute of North America.
December 2008 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC Now Available
Mon, Dec 29, 2008

December 2008 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC Now Available
Volume 61, Number 4
Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)