Its primary function is to serve as a reference guide in which providers of programs sought by Canadians and visitors to Canada showcase their offerings through the variety of participation options. This allows different institutions to apply their own style in relaying the message they wish the audience to receive, and ultimately encourage inquiries and enrollments.
It is published twice a year in Spring and Fall by rEvolve EPS, and is distributed to select Canadian high schools, colleges, universities, Canadian language schools, key education and job fairs, education counselling agents and embassies. is the complementary website.
Readers of Canadian Student Magazine and are looking for information on higher education in Canada and abroad, foreign language learning, academic and professional development, volunteer programs, work experience abroad - it is all about broadening horizons.
Content is contributed by industry professionals, and is relevant, varied and fresh, written mostly in English, with some articles in French as well.
Now you can reach this prolific market by advertising in, and contributing your editorial content to, the innovative Canadian Student Magazine and/or
Ad bookings, copy and artwork for the Spring/Summer 2009 issue are requested by February 15, 2009. For details, contact us on, visit our website on
Reach your target in Canada by advertising in Canadian Student Magazine and
Thu, Dec 18, 2008