"The turnout was good and everybody was very committed. I expect the group to focus on ways of involving ordinary people, especially youngsters, in work to reduce climate gases," said Johansson, who is also a member of the Nordic Council Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
She also called for closer co-operation on research and exchanges of information about effective political instruments capable of making an impact on energy generation and consumption in the Baltic Sea countries.
Anne Grete Holmsgaard MP from Denmark was elected deputy-chairperson of the group.
"There was a lot of support for concentrating on increased energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources. All the countries involved would benefit form working together on renewables. I look forward to continuing with this work and also expect Russian MPs to join the group," she said.
The working group for energy and climate change operates within the framework of Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC). The Swedish MP Sinikka Bohlin is chair of the BSPC in 2008.
For more information, visit: The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference.