The UArctic International Secretariat and the organizing crew from the
University of Alberta are pleased to announce that invitations have been sent and that registration is now open for 2008 Council Meeting. The Meeting will take place in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, from June 2-5, 2008. Members should note that the registration deadline is March 15, 2008.

The 2008 meeting marks the 8th annual Council Meeting, in which all UArctic Members are expected to attend. This year's theme is 'Currents of Change Advancing Polar Regions Information and Knowledge Transfer'. The proposed theme encourages members to explore information creation, management, and transferability through research, education and outreach activities that embody the University of the Arctic. Information transfer issues permeate all initiatives; therefore the theme will be encouraged as a direction for the Council Meetings as well as for the Thematic Network workshops, Breakout sessions, and other activities organized for this event.

The current intensity of activity and interest in the polar regions, especially with the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 will result in a proliferation of information that will impact future development and governance in the arctic regions. A growing challenge to academic and professional communities will be to improve information sharing systems, research tools, and dissemination vehicles to improve access to knowledge for all audiences and stakeholders with methodologies enhanced by innovative technologies and advanced networks. The 2008 meeting will further explore these challenges as well as establish the UArctic's role in these networks.
For more information on the University of Alberta, visit their