The Conference 'Resilience 2008: Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times' will be made available for viewers over the Web. The Conference takes place in Stockholm from April 14-17. 2008, however more than 40 live coverages of panel discussions, workshops and key presentations will be available via Web TV.

The conference will be using an advanced web television interface to air more than 40 events live over a four-day period. In addition, about 20 other events will be filmed and made available on the website shortly after the conference. Web TV is an environmentally friendly service provided by the Web TV supplier Qbrick in liaison with IT Services Media production at Stockholm University. Professor Brian Walker from Australia is one of the plenary speakers of the conference. Watch him live Monday, April 14, at 08.50 - 09.10am (Central European Time + 1 Summer Time).
The aim of “Resilience, adaptation and transformation in turbulent times - preparing for change in social-ecological systems” is to bring together scientists working with the complex dynamics of interconnected social-ecological systems and to present, discuss, and if possible, summarise the current understanding of resilience, adaptability and pathways of transformation in such systems. Representatives from government, business and other major actors will be invited to discuss the challenges facing societal development, and together with scientists propose directions to go and pathways to avoid.
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