Interconnectedness of the Arctic is demonstrated when a single change sends ripple effects throughout the marine, terrestrial, atmospheric, socioeconomic, and global systems. Participants at the Arctic Forum will discuss how such changes may be "tipping points" that represent new, unknown, and potentially irreversible vanguards of arctic and global change. Arctic Forum sessions will explore tipping points over different scales of time and space, both environmental and socioeconomic, as well as potential consequences, opportunities, and policy and management response strategies.
The 2008 Arctic Forum is being co-chaired by Martin Miles, of the Environmental Systems Analysis Research Center in Boulder, Colorado, and Craig Fleener, of the Gwich'in Council International.
Attendees are invited to submit an abstract to present one or more posters at the Arctic Forum on any topic related to arctic research or education. Abstracts may be submitted at:
The deadline for submitting poster abstracts has been extended to Friday, 2 May 2008.
To submit an abstract, please go to:
For further information about the ARCUS Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum,
please contact:
Tina Buxbaum
Phone: 907-474-1600