The following papers appear in the March 2008 issue of ARCTIC:
"Remote Sensing of Arctic Vegetation: Relations between the NDVI, Spatial Resolution and Vegetation Cover on Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut" By: Gita J. Laidler, Paul M. Treitz and David M. Atkinson
"Unusual Predation Attempts of Polar Bears on Ringed Seals in the Southern Beaufort Sea: Possible Significance of Changing Spring Ice Conditions" By: Ian Stirling, Evan Richardson, Gregory W. Thiemann and Andrew E. Derocher
"The Annual Migration Cycle of Emperor Geese in Western Alaska" By: Jerry W. Hupp, Joel A. Schmutz and Craig R. Ely
"Dorset Palaeoeskimo Skin Processing at Phillip's Garden, Port au Choix, Northwestern Newfoundland"
By: M.A.P. Renouf and T. Bell
"Has Prey Availability for Arctic Birds Advanced with Climate Change? Hindcasting the Abundance of Tundra Arthropods Using Weather and Seasonal Variation" By: Ingrid Tulp and Hans Schekkerman
"Bowhead Whales, and Not Right Whales, Were the Primary Target of 16th- to 17th-Century Basque Whalers in the Western North Atlantic" By: B.A. McLeod, M.W. Brown, M.J. Moore, W. Stevens, S.H. Barkham, M. Barkham and B.N. White
"Approaching Freshet beneath Landfast Ice in Kugmallit Bay on the Canadian Arctic Shelf: Evidence from Sensor and Ground Truth Data" By: Tony R. Walker, Jon Grant and Peter Jarvis
"Bone Weathering in a Periglacial Environment: The Tayara Site (KbFk-7), Qikirtaq Island, Nunavik (Canada)" By: Dominique Todisco and Herve Monchot
"A White Killer Whale in the Central Aleutians" By: Martin Renner and Kevin Bell
The issue also contains five book reviews and an InfoNorth essay by R. Harvey Lemelin, David Peerla, and Brian Walmark on the involvement of the Muskekowuck Athinuwick/Cree People of northern Ontario in the Management of polar bears.
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