For further information, please search for position number 0056843 (term position) or 0056837 (tenure-track position) at:
The Department of Anthropology at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, invites applications for a tenure-track position (nine-month appointment) and a one-year, term replacement position, both at the level of Assistant Professor in social/cultural anthropology.
The department seeks candidates with broad theoretical knowledge of the discipline and subdiscipline, successful teaching experience, and an established record of research and publication record commensurate with experience. The department strongly prefers researchers with experience in Alaska, Canada or areas that complement those of the department.
Scholars with backgrounds in media and public culture, gender, mythology, ritual and religious practice, transnationalism, globalization, and global issues are particularly sought. Applicants must have a PhD in hand by the time of the appointment.
To apply, please submit:
- A cover letter with a discussion of your research interests, future research plans, and your approach to teaching and pedagogy;
- A sample of written work (preferably based on recent research);
- A curriculum vita;
- A list of names and contact information for three references; and
- The UAF Employment Application, which can be found on-line at:
Detailed job vacancy announcements may be viewed by searching for job posting number 0056843 (term position) or 0056837 (tenure-track position) at:
The closing date for both positions is Monday, 2 February 2009.
UAF is an equal employment/opportunity/affirmative action employer and educational institution. Applications for employment with UAF are subject to public disclosure under the Alaska Public Records Act.
Tenure-Track and Term Positions Available Cultural Anthropology Department of Anthropology
Thu, Jan 22, 2009