The workshop will bring together Tribal College and University students and staff with Native peoples from throughout the world to play an active role in the development of climate change policy, assessment, and research. Tribal College and University students, faculty, and staff; Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native leaders and groups involved in climate change and energy work; tribal elders and youth; and climate scientists and scholars are invited to attend.
An important focus of the workshop will be on identifying and sharing strategies for mitigation and adaptation in tribal communities. Areas of impact, mitigation, and adaptation to be considered in the workshop will include clean energy, housing, water, traditional plants and medicine, sacred lands and sites, natural resources, subsistence economies, local and Indigenous foods, and practical means to create resilience, health, and a positive future for future generations.
For further information, please go to:
Or contact:
Nancy Maynard
"An Indigenous Response to the Challenge."
Thu, Oct 29, 2009