In search of courses that could satisfy her aspiration to understand the north and its realities she chose ASP because it is relevant to her interest and the course credits are transferable to her university degree. With courses such as Reindeer Herding throughout Scandinavia, the Arctic in World Environmental Politics and Arctic Indigenous Studies, Aubyn has had the chance to dip her toes in many realities that relate to northern Finland and more specifically Lapland. When asked why she chose the ASP program she replied “the information here is relevant and up to date it is the hub of Arctic research and if I wanted to study and learn about the north then I wanted to be in the north.” Her decisive attitude towards her future will most likely land her where she hopes to be in the future and that is somewhere in a northern part of the world.
Upon completing the program in December, she will continue to pursue her last year at Concordia. Although, she will leave the “magical” lands of Lapland and continue on with her studies elsewhere she will not forget the many experiences she has had. If it was the experience of seeing reindeer herders round up reindeer first hand, riding bicycle throughout any part of the city or being very close to nature these moments may have passed, but the memories will forever remain with her.
Arctic Studies Program attracts Canadian student from Ontario
Tue, Nov 24, 2009