"If the government is serious about the great value in the commitment to multinational co-operation in the north it must be time to work out a Swedish strategy for the northern region", said Bohlin during the debate on Wednesday 18 February.
The Northern Dimension was reformed in 2007 when it was formulated as a common policy for the EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland. The goal is to promote development in the northern areas of Europe, particularly in Northwest Russia.
The Swedish Social Democrat pointed out that the climate threat, energy policies and the economic crisis must been seen in that context, and that these themes are central to the Northern Dimension.
"There is often criticism that only Finland and Norway take part in the Northern Dimension debate. Sweden's voice is also needed. We are therefore waiting for an overall policy for the Northern Region", said the Swedish MP to the Parliament.
"It has become trendy to be 'Arctic'. The Swedish government should join the trend too", she concluded.
Sinikka Bohlin will take part in the parliamentary forum for the Northern Dimension in the European Parliament in Brussels on 25-26 February with a delegation from the Nordic Council.
The theme for the forum is the development of a policy for the Northern Dimension in the regions around the Baltic Sea and the Arctic. Delegates will come from the national parliaments in the northern region, including Canada, USA, and representatives from the EU institutions.
For further information about the International co-operation, please look here or about the Nordic Council, here.
Call for Swedish strategy on the Northern Dimension
Tue, Feb 24, 2009