As a centre for northern European culture, Kulturhus-Berlin has contributed to actively foster the exchange between northern Europe and Germany. Public readings, projects for children, movies and music are focal points on Kulturhus-Berlin’s calendar of events. Periodical news dealing with northern European issues can be found in the monthly newsletter which can be downloaded from the website free of charge.
As a journalistic product the newsletter contains interviews, book reviews and portraits as well as current information. Apart from the focal thematic articles, information concerning northern European events in Berlin and elsewhere, book, movie and music recommendations, dates for Scandinavian and Baltic programs on television and on the radio can be found in the newsletter.
Just recently Kulturhus-Berlin has moreover started to publish current cultural memos as well as news from the cultural and social life of Germany’s Nordic neighbours on its website.
To read the article in German, please click here. To download the archived newsletters, read interviews with writers and actors, learn about children’s projects and much more, please go to Kulturhus-Berlin's website. Please note that all information is in German.
UArctic presented in Berlin-based Northern European Association
Mon, May 18, 2009

UArctic Intern Nikolas Sellheim presents UArctic and the BCS program in the latest newsletter-special of Kulturhus-Berlin, which exclusively deals with Greenland and the Arctic. The emphasis of the article lies on the exchange of Arctic knowledge on a global level.