In an attempt to ensure efforts catalyzed by the International Polar Year (IPY) will continue to inspire educators, students, and emerging polar researchers into the next generation, the Polar Resource Book has been created. The book is a response to continual requests from educators and scientists wishing to raise awareness about the importance of polar science during a time of rapid planet-wide climate change. The vision quickly engaged the imagination of educators around the world who are part of the IPY community. It has since gained the support of IPY sponsors, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the University of the Arctic, the United National Environment Programme (UNEP), and the
organizing committee for the flagship IPY Science Conference to be held in Norway in June 2010.
In creating content for the Polar Resource Book, book editors seek contributions from your experiences in education and outreach during IPY. Two chapters will include contributions from education and
Chapter 2: Polar Educational Activities and Teaching
This section of the book includes practical learning activities for the classroom/learning environment accompanied by personal stories from youth, educators, and scientists who participated in or developed the associated projects. If you have an experience to share, please contact Karen Edwards and request the "Chapter 2 I2S (intent to submit)" form.
Chapter 4: Education and Outreach Projects-Inspiring Ideas from Around the World
This chapter is a collection of successful outreach initiatives submitted by educators, scientists, and graduate students. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the breadth of outreach approaches and projects/programs/initiatives inspired by IPY and to encourage readers to become actively engaged in scientific outreach and polar education. Editors are interested in all polar outreach experiences regardless of their scale. If you have an experience to share, please contact Karen Edwards and request the "Chapter 4 I2S (intent to submit)" form.
The deadline to submit an "Intent to Submit" form is Monday, 20 July 2009. All submissions will be reviewed and successful submissions will be notified by Friday, 31 July. The deadline for full, accepted
submissions is Monday, 31 August 2009.
For further information, please contact:
Karen Edwards
Phone: 780-492-0486
International Polar Year (IPY) Education and Outreach Experiences Needed
Sun, Jun 28, 2009

International Program Office for IPY
Deadline for Intent to Submit: Monday, 20 July 2009
Deadline for Accepted Submissions: Monday, 31 August 2009