On sunday June 7, Ernie LaPointe, great-grandson of legendary Lakota Chief Sitting Bull, visited the Arctic Centre in Rovaniemi to give a public lecture on his famous ancestor and the culture of the Lakota people.

Deadline Extension

Tue, Jun 09, 2009
SCAR Executive Director SearchScientific Committee on Antarctic ResearchCambridge, EnglandExtended Application Deadline: Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Alexandra Beloglazova, 5th year student of Chemical Technology Faculty of Arkhangelsk State Technical University, speaks about her experiences with the Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies

Circumpolar Young Leaders ProgramInternational Institute for Sustainable DevelopmentApplication Deadline: Monday, 22 June 2009

Position Announcements

Mon, Jun 01, 2009
Research Assistants or Postdoctoral Researchers in Engineering Geology, Geotechnics, Hydrology, Hydraulic Engineering, Infrastructural Engineering or Building Design in the Arctic.