The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) will be excavating at the Mead site, near Delta Junction, Alaska, as part of a summer field school directed by Dr. Ben A. Potter and Dr. Charles E. Holmes.

The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation is delighted to announce the 2009 call for applications for the Gordon Global Fellowship programme.

New Publication Available

Thu, Feb 26, 2009
The Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland has published high quality brochures of a declaration on the coexistence of oil and gas activities and indigenous communities on Nenets and other territories in the Russian North. The brochures are available in English or Russian.

The new Older Adult Fitness and Wellness specialization in the Fitness Leadership program at GPRC was formally announced today in conjunction with a Fitness Fair hosted at the College to celebrate the event. Students are now enrolling in the specialization year of the program, which begins September 2009.

Arctic Graduate School (ARKTIS) will organise it's 7th Annual Research Seminar, 1-3th April, 2009. The seminar will be organised in honour of the Arctic Centre's 20 years' anniversary.

In the Swedish Parliament's foreign policy debate on Wednesday, the Nordic Council's President, Sinikka Bohlin, called for the Swedish government to take the Northern Dimension seriously.

Scientia Canadensis, the Canadian journal of the history of science, technology and medicine, welcomes submissions for a special comparative issue on the History of Circumpolar Science. Editors invite submissions dealing with arctic, subarctic, and Antarctic regions and any national context. 

Nordic Climate Day

Mon, Feb 23, 2009
The Nordic Ministers of Education have decided to establish a Nordic Climate Day 2009. The Nordic Climate Day will be launched on 11 November and will create greater awareness and knowledge about the climate, as well as active involvement of pupils, apprentices, teachers and trainers in climate matters in the light of the UN...