Lakehead University, located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, is excited to announce that NORT 1111: Introduction to the Circumpolar World (equivalent to BCS 100) will be taught during their Spring 2010 session – May 25-June 15 – for the first time simultaneously on campus and will also be media-streamed on the Internet. Students who register will get a password and can log on through WebCT. The lectures will also remain online for students to see later for review, etc. The course will have all of its readings and related materials online through WebCT, as well as assignments submitted and exams, etc.

A free 1-800 number will be provided for students to call in the middle of lectures to ask questions and participate. As well, the WebCT has a chat function which will also be active and live during the lectures to take synchronous questions, etc.
NORT 1111 (BCS 100) is part of the Circumpolar Studies program, which has seven Core Courses that consist of a single lower-level introductory course and six upper-level advanced courses in three interdisciplinary fields of study. Together, the core enables students to gain a broad knowledge and understanding of the lands, peoples, and critical issues of the Circumpolar North.
Students would need to register with Lakehead University as a special student for NORT 1111. To request assistance with registration and/or more detailed and further information on the NORT 1111 course, such as tuition fees, please email the instructor, Michel Beaulieu
msbeauli@lakeheadu.caYou can also
click here for further information regarding NORT 1111