Some snow concept are complex categories in the sense that a term contains and includes many factors simultaneously, such as information of snow, snow conditions, snow physics, weather, temperature, location, time and impacts of animals and humans. Snow concepts are central for daily work with the reindeer, and constitute important parts for reindeer herders’ traditional knowledge. Reindeer herders observe and manage snow from two perspectives; the snow physics and the ecology of herds in the winter grazing area, which reveals a holistic knowledge and view.
The data indicate strategic and systematical use of grazing areas in terms of time and space and, shows variability between the siidas in terms of snow conditions between years and between pasture areas. Every winter siida has its unique grazing condition, which makes it difficult to compare one siidas grazing condition with others, and draw general conclusions. The use of Sámi snow concepts mirror reindeer herders’ traditional knowledge of the management of the herd on snow covered ground and how herders deal with these complex systems. This kind of knowledge has contributed to the survival of reindeer herding since time immemorial. The analysis of snow concepts show the importance of using Sámi reindeer herders’ specialist language and traditional knowledge in mainstream the governance of reindeer herding. Thus the national adaptive strategies must recognize reindeer herders’ traditional knowledge, and their cultural and linguistic rights must be included in adaptation strategies for climate change. This requires different ways of knowing, combining both herders’ experienced-based knowledge and scientific knowledge.