The first planning workshop for the new PhD program on Arctic Health and Well-being was held in Oulu, Finland on August 23 -24, 2012. Workshop participants shared their currently available education on the Arctic health and discussed topics for courses to be jointly developed for summer and winter schools. Partners also...

The fifth Polar Law Symposium takes place at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland on 6-8 September 2012. Professors Gudmundur Alfredsson and Timo Koivurova lead the preparations to the event. The symposium is organized as part of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law. The draft program is now av...

Conducting research is a complicated issue and the findings are often even more complicated - especially when they need to be explained to lay-persons. Therefore, APECS Finland is happy to announce an APECS meeting at the 5th Polar Law Symposium in Rovaniemi, September 6-8, 2012.The theme of the meeting is "How to commu...

University of Alaska Fairbanks' Pat Pitney, who has served as head of the UArctic Finance Office, has been named by the Board of Governors as Vice-President Finance for UArctic during their meeting in Nuuk. Pitney will continue in her role with the UArctic Finance Office, but the new role provides greater focus on strategic d...

Mind-opening Murmansk

Wed, Aug 29, 2012
Iina is a 22 year old law student, who is about to begin her fifth year at the University of Lapland. Studying in Rovaniemi was a natural choice for her, because she did not want to move to Southern Finland, coming herself from Taivalkoski. She has been happy with her choice of applying to University of Lapland, because it is...

A special course and workshop on science and photography will be arranged at Oulanka research station between 3.9 – 7.9 2012 as part of the Thematic Network on Communicating Arctic Science. The course is aimed at students that have a keen interest in photography and want to develop their skills in scientific imaging and...

The recent issue of the Russian-English language journal 'Arctic Herald' features an article on UArctic by President Lars Kullerud, documenting the progress that the organization has made over its first decade. The article is available online in Issue No.2 of Arctic Herald.

In Arpil 2011, NASA Senior Research Scientist Nancy Maynard spent a week with indigenous reindeer herders in the tundra of northern Norway, organized by UArctic's EALAT Institute, studying climate change and its effects on reindeer spring migration. (Source: NASA)

The Arctic ice cap is on course for a record-breaking melt session following a summer of unstable conditions, says the National Snow and Ice Data Center. (Source: Wired UK)

New book on Arctic Design

Tue, Aug 21, 2012
"Arctic Design. Opening the Discussion" is the first publication to open the debate on what is 'Arctic design.' Interest in the Arctic region has grown strongly, but discussions have focussed on economic, political and cultural issues. The book brings the perspective of design into these discussions: how design can suppor...

University of Washington's Canadian Center Studies publishes a regular online newsletter, highlighting its activities. Check out the July issue which reports on the tremendous growth in Canadian studies and research at the University of Washington this summer.

The leader of the Thematic Network on Environmental Training and Education for Sustainable Development of the Arctic (NETESDA), Olga Alekseevich visited partners in Norway, Aug 5-10, 2012. The main goal of her visit main goal was to discuss further joint activities on the network development with international partners.

UArctic Rectors' Forum

Tue, Aug 14, 2012
The 2012 UArctic Rectors' Forum is being hosted by the University of Manitoba November 13th-15th, 2012 in Winnipeg, Canada. Complete information and links to the Rectors' Forum program and practical planning details available at