Global environmental change calls urgently for new perspectives, practices and fresh imaginations. The traveling exhibition "Visualizing Environmental Change" is an outcome of the project Visualization of Environmental Change, funded by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation in 2014-2016. The foundations for the project were laid already in 2012 by the UArctic Thematic Network on Communicating Arctic Research.
The project has brought together sciences and arts and students from these fields, for learning together to develop innovative ways for communicating environmental change and to raise public awareness and responsibility on environmental issues. The exhibition highlights work-in-progress and results from a series of experimental workshops organized in northern Finland. The Oulanka research station, a field station of the University of Oulu in Kuusamo, has served as the base camp in these explorations.
Some of the next locations for the traveling exhibition are Oulu and Rovaniemi, later Monaco, Hamburg and/or Berlin. Other outcomes of the project are a photo book to be published in autumn 2016, and a webpage which was launched at the end of August at
The Thematic Network on Communicating Arctic Research links professional photographers, information-visualization specialists and art students together with students of science, Arctic researchers, holders of traditional knowledge, and scientists. The network provides education and training in photo-based imaging and data visualization tools and methods to create photo, video, infographics and related materials, and also builds capacity and practical skills amongst the science and research community to produce the best quality and the most practical imagery for their research needs.
Read the full press release here