Global environmental change calls urgently for new perspectives, practices and fresh imaginations. The travelling exhibition is an outcome of the project Visualization of Environmental Change, funded by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation in 2014–2016.
The foundations for the project were laid already in 2012 by the Thematic Network's group of professional photographers and scientists active in the Arctic and sub-Arctic region. The project brings together sciences and fine arts and students from these areas for learning together to develop innovative ways for communicating environmental change and to raise public awareness and responsibility on environmental issues.
The exhibition highlights work-in-progress and results from a series of experimental workshops organized in northern Finland. The Oulanka research station, a field station of the University of Oulu in Kuusamo, has served as the base camp in these explorations which have been done in cooperation with BTK University of Art & Design (Germany: Berlin & Hamburg), Tampere University of Applied Sciences, University of Lapland, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Tromso), University of Tampere, Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife Finland, Aalto University, UNEP Grid-Arendal (Norway) and Kuusamo-opisto.
The exhibition premiered at the Kuusamo Nature Photo Festival in September 2016. The exhibition has also been shown at the universities of Oulu and Lapland. From Tampere, the exhibition will travel to Monaco and/or Berlin in mid-June. Other outcomes of the project are a photo book published at the end of last year and a web page at