The school organizing committee received more than 150 applications for participation. On the first day of the school, on July 6, the rector of the ASAU Sleptsov Ivan Ivanovich delivered a welcoming speech to the participants and students of the summer school. He said about successes of the new university in the field of international cooperation, about joint projects and events with leading universities and scientific organizations from foreign countries, then wished everyone success and good luck. Further, the vice-rector for science and innovations Krivoshapkin Konstantin Konstantinovich presented a report on the research work of ASAU in English. Then, the organizer of the event - Irina Aleksandrovna Dranaeva (head of international department) introduced the main lecturers of the international school and told students about organizational moments.

The first lecturer of the international summer school, as well as its head, is Professor, Doctor of Science Mr. Gilmar Tavares (Federal University of Lavras, Brazil), his lecture was devoted to the topic: "Economic and Sustainable Scio-environmental Technologies from Agroecology" ( After his speech, all participants asked questions to the professor, discussed global warming and its impact on Brazilians, environmental disasters, forest fires, food shortage and access to clean drinking water in many countries of the world, students were also worried about the consequences of the pandemic on the environment, nature and society.