The first school took place in the Komi Republic of Russia, in 2018. The current, ongoing spring school started on January 2021 and is organized as an online school due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The partner institutions involved in the current school are the Nord University of Norway, University of Lapland and Syktyvkar State University of Komi Republic of Russia. The participants in the school are MA and PhD students from the disciplines of art education, design and teacher education in crafts and nature sciences.

The aim of the school is to investigate sociocultural dimensions of landscape through multidisciplinary approaches in these three locations of the partner institutions. The central aim of the collaboration is the longer-term development of joint university pedagogical practices, where place- and community-based studies are tested and implemented into digital learning environments and exhibitions that are important elements in art and design studies. In the current online spring school the participants have shared insights into their landscape layers through folk stories, seasonal traditions and personal taskscapes. These workshops, discussions and multidisciplinary approaches have worked as reference material for the participants that are working onto producing them into artistic and research outcomes. The artistic processes will result to a virtual exhibition that is published in the UArctic Congress in May 2021. The publication of the school will be published in August 2021.
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