Eight Masters students from institutions in Canada, Iceland and Finland completed the course “Northern Tourism in Practice”, offered as ARCT 0111 by the University of Lapland, and taught by Professors Outi Rantala (ULapland), Suzanne de la Barre (Vancouver Island University) and Pat Maher (Nipissing University).

Other researchers were present both physically and virtually as the meeting also served the purpose of kicking off new collaborations under the Arctic Five Chair in Tourism and Climate Emergency, held by Professor Rantala at the University of Lapland.
This Masters course has been an ongoing part of the Thematic Network’s programming since 2015 (alongside two online courses). It was funded, pre-COVID, by Nordregio, as part of the “Arctic Tourism in Times of Change” project. Student mobility, in varying capacities, has always been supported by NordPlus.