What is it? A global call to identify Arctic research priorities for the next decade.
Rationale: The urgency of Arctic change demands that researchers look ahead, share perspectives across disciplinary divides, and understand how they can meet the needs of the future.
Online Survey (launch: 21st Feb): We are inviting researchers of all disciplines, people from local and Indigenous Arctic communities, policymakers, funders of research, and all other stakeholders, to contribute towards the Horizon Scan by participating in this secure online survey, which asks participants to describe one or more topics that they consider to be priorities for Arctic research in the next decade. We welcome submissions about any topic, large-scale and local, natural and social. Please see our webpage for more details: https://www.polar.ox.ac.uk/horizon/
Oxford workshop (7-9th Sep): Save the date for a hybrid workshop in Oxford, 7-9th Sep 2022, in which we will distil the online submissions into sets of research priorities for the next decade. Based in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the workshop will invite participation from researchers, Arctic stakeholders and indigenous rights holders alike. Please keep an eye on our website for updates.
Outcomes: The Horizon Scan will build towards a peer-reviewed report summarising the findings of the workshop and online survey. Through participation in the Horizon Scan, we hope that new cross-disciplinary connections will be made, and that different forms of knowledge (e.g. scientific and traditional) will be brought together.
Webpage (English): https://www.polar.ox.ac.uk/horizon/
Webpage (Russian): https://www.polar.ox.ac.uk/horizon-ru/
Direct link to survey (English): https://oxford.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/arctic-horizon-scan-2022
Direct link to survey (Russian): https://oxford.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/2022
Contact: Sam Cornish sam.cornish[at]ouce.ox.ac.uk; Marc Macias-Fauria marc.maciasfauria[at]ouce.ox.ac.uk