The focus of the session was to increase awareness of the adaptive capacities of workplaces from an occupational health and safety perspective in the changing Arctic.
Seven oral presentations were given during the session, with speakers from Sweden, Greenland, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Both young researchers at the early stages of their careers and experienced professionals shared their research studies.
Sirkka Rissanen, the thematic network leader and Chief Researcher at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), announced her upcoming retirement. She has been conducting research on working in various ambient conditions, particularly in Arctic conditions, for several decades.

In the future, the Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic will continue its active work to develop collaborative networks that support human working capacities in the Arctic. The network will be coordinated by Kirsi Jussila (lead), Senior Researcher at FIOH, and Hans Pettersson (vice-lead), a research fellow at Umeå University.