The series features five short films by Arctic Indigenous filmmakers, offering powerful insights into how climate change is impacting their lives and communities. The filmmakers will be in attendance, sharing their stories and engaging with audiences.
The selected filmmakers and their projects are:
- The Children Were Taken from the Land, Now, the Land is Being Taken from the Children
By Carmen Kuptana (Inuvialui) and Eriel Lugt (Inuvialui) - Red-Shaded Green
By Johannes Vang (Sámi) - This Is A Story About Salmon
By Princess Daazhraii Johnson (Neets’aii Gwich’in) - Lessons From Our Grandfather
By Jennifer Kibaluk (Inuk) and Ashley Qilavaq-Savard (Inuk) - Civilized
By Marc Fussing Rosbach (Inuk).
The Witness program is a collaborative initiative by AIFF and Telefilm Canada, providing Arctic Indigenous filmmakers with professional mentorship, a platform to tell their stories, and connections to a global network of Indigenous creators. The program is further one of the main activities of the Thematic Network on Arctic Indigenous Film.
Read more about this filmmaker cohort's training and mentorship program here.
The films will premiere today, February 24 at the Sámi Cultural Centre Sajos at 16:00. There will also be a rerun showing tomorrow at the same time, at Siida - Sámi Museum and Nature Center.
Be sure to check out the official Skábmagovat Film Festival site!