This workshop aims to develop a roadmap providing the science needed to address Antarctic conservation priorities, focusing on those identified by the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP). It seeks to strengthen the science-policy interface and drive tangible conservation progress through interdisciplinary collaboration between social and natural sciences.

When?  7-9 July 2025

Where?  Académie du Climat, 2 Place Baudoyer, 4e arrondissement, Paris (in-person only)

Cost?  Free!

Topics discussed:

  • State of knowledge in Antarctic conservation, including gaps and challenges
  • Available conservation tools
  • Science-policy-practice interface
  • Human activities and their impacts in Antarctica, e.g., tourism, national operator activities
  • Freedom of scientific research

This event will also serve as an opportunity to reflect on Ant-ICON’s challenges and successes over the past few years and explore its legacy, including in preparation for the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY).

SCAR invites researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to submit a 200-word abstract for a series of lightning talks that tackle any of the aforementioned topics. 

Key Details:

Researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders from diverse disciplines are invited to participate in this unique event exploring the future(s) of Antarctic conservation at a time of changing climate and increasing environmental challenges.

For more information:

Please contact Jordane Liebeaux, email: